
Policies provide the operational framework within which the club functions. Policies are required to ensure important issues such as child safety and financial accountability are established as club priorities. 


Procedures provide the steps and processes required to implement policies.  Procedures define "how" the club intends to carry out the policies.  Procedures are more inclined than policies to evolve over time as new thoughts, program changes and opportunities emerge and changes are required in response to internal or external factors.

Purpose of policies and procedures

There are several issues and opportunities addressed by the organization’s policies and procedures:

  1. Locate decision making authority – identify who is responsible for making decisions.  The objective is to provide the parents and players with as many of those decisions as possible.
  2. Establish rules – provide a clear premeditated response to potential issues and concerns.
  3. Set expectations – parents, players, coaches and club officials should be aware of rules effect their safe enjoyment and participation in the organization’s programs.
  4. Easy Access - members should be able to locate all important rules and regulations in one place.  Administrators should also be able to update one document permitting those who use or are directly affected by policies and procedures to have the access they need.
  5. Minimize organizational liability – a rule of membership for parents and players (over 18 years old) is to read and acknowledge access to policies and procedures.  This approach minimizes the potential liability for every member and club official.
  6. Effective communication – One document in one location reduces time spent by parents trying to find the right person to get answers to their questions and also reduces volunteer’s time in communicating hard to find or decipher rules.  Members will also receive a consistent answer and accurate answer.
  7. Responsiveness - The organization has the ability to quickly update and disseminate procedures to meet changing needs of the members and to adapt to new environments.
  8. Accountability - Clearly written and available policies and procedures are an integral element to the administration system, enabling individuals and teams of people to be accountable.

Who are the intended users

Policy and procedures are accessible to all members via the website.  Documents are written so that they can be understood by a wide audience. Users include:

  • Parents
  • Players
  • Club administrators
  • Coaches
  • Contractors providing the club with services
  • Referees

Club Officials

The following is a current list of club management roles identified in this document with responsibility for specific roles and responsibilities:

  • President – Mario.arce@prfcnorthvalley.org
  • Treasurer - finance@prfcnorthvalley.org