1 Player Behavior – Disruptive behavior at practices


Excellent behavior of all playing members of PRFC is expected at all times.  Understanding the typical behavior of young players is important to consider in evaluating if a player’s behavior is natural or excessively disruptive. 

Natural behavior for young children includes examples: talking when the coach is providing instruction, leaving the group to see a parent, touching and playing with equipment, picking grass and throwing it at other players etc.  This natural behavior becomes ‘excessively disruptive’ if the behavior continues after the coach has addressed it with the player.  Determining if disruptive behavior is natural or excessively disruptive is somewhat subjective and will largely be determined by the coach/coaches.

Procedure is as follows in the event of a player becoming ‘excessively disruptive’ in a session:

  • The coach speaks to the player and warn him/her that the behavior is causing disruption and must stop. 
  • The coach speaks to the player’s parent/guardian and asks the parent to keep a close watch on their child.
  • If the behavior persists, the parent/guardian is asked to remove the player from the session of a 5-minute time out.  The coach should inform David Newbery after the session that such action was required.
  • If on return, the behavior is not corrected, the parent is asked to remove the player for the remainder of the session. The coach should inform Director of Coaching after the session that such action was required.
  • If, at a subsequent session the child becomes excessively disruptive, go straight to 5-minute timeout.
  • Finally, If a coach has asked a parent/guardian to remove a child on 2 separate occasions in a season, the matter will be referred to Director of Coaching for further action.

Note: In the event a coach does not feel comfortable speaking with the parent/guardian, the matter will be referred to Director of Coaching.

2 Player Behavior –Violent, aggressive, disrespectful, anti-social and/or indecent behavior

PRFC has very low tolerance for players demonstrating violent, disrespectful, anti-social and/or indecent behavior.  In the event a coach must deal with a player for any of these issues, the first course of action will be to remove the offending player from the group for the safety of all other players and coaches.

Procedure is as follows in the event of a player players demonstrating violent, disrespectful, anti-social and/or indecent behavior:

  • Ask the parent/guardian to remove the player from the group.  The player may not reenter the session.  The matter will be referred to Director of Coaching immediately.

A number of sanctions are available to the club as a consequence of these actions (see Discipline Policy).

3 Developmentally Appropriate Coaching and Player Placement

PRFC supports a coaching approach referred to as ‘developmentally appropriate coaching’.  To this end, where deemed appropriate, players will be placed in a team/group perceived to offer a child the very best opportunity to develop their technical performance, confidence and knowledge of the game.

The decision to move/relocate a player ‘up’ or ‘down’ will be made by Director of Coaching in consultation with the team/group coaches.  Objective and subjective information will be considered, including, player assessments, coach evaluation and game performance.    Placement on a team/group may not be permanent.  The Director of Coaching may decide to move a player/s at any point in the year for practice or game purposes or both.

The following procedure is used to determining player placement:

  • Director of Coaching will consult with the team/group coaches.
  • Director of Coaching may decide to move a player.
  • Director of Coaching or an assigned deputy will communicate with the parents to inform them of the decision to move their child.
  • Player will be moved at the most appropriate opportunity.

Parents, players, coaches and/or club officials are encouraged to discuss any concerns with Director of Coaching.

4 Players Uniform and Equipment

All players must have a uniform to play games.  Some programs include the uniform in the registration fees and others require parents to order the uniforms separately and at an additional cost.  Equally, some programs may require a new uniform every season or every year, and in other programs the uniform may carry over from one season/year to another.  Parents will be given the opportunity prior to the commencement of each season to purchase additional uniform items or replacements.

If a practice uniform is required, players are required to wear full uniform (shirt, shorts and socks) to every practice, unless specified by PRFC.  In inclement weather such as heavy rain, players can supplement the uniform with waterproof and warm clothing.  Shirts should be tucked in and socks on the outside of shin guards.

For the player’s safety, all players, without exception, must wear shin guards to all practices and games.  Players will not be permitted to practice or play without shin guards.  For the safety of the player and peers, players are required to wear soccer footwear.  On grass fields and synthetic surfaces, players can wear studded cleats or all weather shoes with a ‘pimpled sole’.  Players should wear flat soled soccer shoes or sneakers for events occurring indoors or on a hard and flat surface.

Players not wearing shin guards or the correct footwear will not be permitted to practice or play.

Parents of players not wearing team uniform will be reminded of the policy.  It is likely that players not wearing the team uniform for a game will not be permitted to play by the referee. 

5 Player attendance and commitment


At the time of registration, parents can view the practice/game schedule for the season on the club website.  Teams/groups are organized to provide equal opportunity for registered players and to create parity in the size of the teams/groups.  To this end, it is expected that parents do their best to honor commitments to the coach and other players at practices and games.  In the event a player is unable to attend a session the parent should notify the Head Coach.  If the player wishes to withdraw from the program, the parent should notify the Director of Coaching.


Participation in competitive soccer requires a significant commitment on the part of each player and their parents or guardians.  Teams are formed and team activities are scheduled based on the assumption that each player will participate in all team activities.  Including, practices, games and tournaments for the entire season. Consequently, each player is expected to attend all practices, games, and to participate in all tournaments unless discussed and agreed to with the Head Coach and Director of Coaching.

6 RISING STARS playing time

Within reason, all players participating in the Juniors soccer program will receive equal playing time.  The actual amount of time will be determined by the number of players attending a game.



While playing for more than one team during a season can provide the player with many wonderful experiences including playing with school or neighborhood friends, it does carry with it certain responsibilities.  Players, parents and coaches must clearly understand these responsibilities and adhere to the rule of fairness for all if the system is to work and truly be a benefit for the players.  Players and parents have a responsibility here as well.  Implied commitments are made to both teams and best efforts must be made to meet those commitments and at times difficult choices must be made. 

PRFC believes parents should provide players with counsel, wisdom, and help making difficult decisions.  Coaches need to step back and allow families to make their decisions without added pressure.  At the time of registration and prior to accepting a place in any of the PRFC North Valley programs, players/parents must disclose their intent to tryout/play for another team.  Contact the Director of Coaching.   It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure rules of the other program also allow rostering with more than one team.

Arizona Soccer Association permits players to ask for a Loan (temporary permission to play as a guest) or Transfer - a permanent move to another club: http://www.azyouthsoccer.org/

A parent must complete in full the procedure before playing for a new team:

  1. Download and complete the correct ASA form
  2. Have the new team coach sign the form.
  3. Have the PRFC North Valley Coach sign
  4. Lastly the PRFC Director of Coaching signs the form.

Note - All financial obligations with the Club and the team must be completed before a loan/transfer is permitted.

9 Competitive priority team and player pass

It is of utmost importance that all coaches foster the development of all players on their teams.  At appropriate times, the club may grant a player an option of extra practice sessions with an older and/or higher level team.  Every player will have one ‘Priority’ team on a season-to-season basis – this is the age appropriate team.  Some players may also have one ‘Non-Priority’ team – typically an older team.

Priority Teams
  • All roster placements and pass-card decisions are at the discretion of the Director of Coaching.
  • Every player will be informed of their Priority Team following assessments.
  • A player’s priority team will typically not change during a season, however the club may change a player’s priority team on a season-by-season basis if the club believes that it is in a player’s best interest for development.
Non- Priority Teams

Players are restricted to play for one Non-Priority Team.  

  • If a coach, from the same age group or an older age group believes his/her team needs a player, the coach can make a formal (email) request to the Priority Team’s Coach and cc Director of Coaching least 24 hours prior to the game.  Under no circumstances can the Coach of a Non-Priority team contact the parent before permission is granted in writing (email) by the Priority Team’s Coach.
  • A player cannot play in more than 2 games a day or more than 3 games in a weekend (accept for tournament play).
  • A coach cannot request a player from an age group more than 1 year younger - a player cannot play-up 2 years unless permission is granted by Director of Coaching.
  • Girls can play in a boys game as a guest player - a boy is not permitted to play in a girls game.
  • In the event of a schedule conflict between a Priority Team and a Non-Priority team game, the player must always play for their Priority team.  Players must not leave early or arrive late to a Priority Team’s game because of playing for a Non-Priority team.

A Non-Priority player can be called upon to play for a variety of reasons; including: replace a sick, injured or absent teammate.  The coach of the Non-Priority Team must ensure the player from another team is eligible and is appropriately rostered to play for the Non-Priority team.  A wide range of sanctions can be applied to the coaches, parents and players for failing to abide by this policy (see Discipline Policy).  No reasonable request within the policies will be refused.


All players must tryout with the age appropriate team – no exceptions.  If the evaluators believe a player is truly outstanding (mainly a subjective decision) and will benefit with playing with older players, the Director of Coaching may recommend a second tryout with an older team.

Permanent Play-Up

Temporary play-ups are encouraged for appropriately skilled and physically competent players.  Player-pass opportunities enable the club to satisfy the individual development needs of a player and maintain the integrity of the age group team.  Permanent play-ups out of an age group will rarely be considered (example: a younger player evaluates as the most competent player in the older age group).  Such circumstances will be adjudicated by Director of Coaching with input from the Head Coaches.

10 notification of Player availability

SportsEngine offers a 'player and coach availability tool' accessible via computer, tablet or phone (via SportsEngine App).  Parents are asked to provide availability at least 4 weeks ahead for practices and games.  If availability changes, please update immediately.  7 days prior to the game, the Head Coach and Manager will check team availability.  Players that have not committed 'Yes' or 'No' should be asked to respond in 24 hours.  5 days prior to the game, the Head Coach and Manager will check team availability and call any parents not responding.  If a player has not committed, the coach must assume the player is not available and proceed to requesting a 'play-up' from similar age or younger age team.  If a player that had not committed turn's up for a game, that player's game time will be reduced to accommodate the play-up.


Developing a player to their full potential is a long-term process - many years of training, education and support. To this end, the commitment of PRFC North Valley supports a longitudinal approach - we expect the season form and performances of individuals to fluctuate particularly through the small sided games (4v4, 7v7 and 9v9) transitions. When we offer a player an opportunity to join our club, we make a real commitment to help players to progress. Players that participate with our club over several seasons will become familiar with our club's playing style, formations, objectives and strategies - our investment in the player is significant. Pre-offers demonstrate our understanding of the long-term nature of education, reward players demonstrating high level performance and commitment and are intended to remove the stress and uncertainty for players and parents associated with tryouts. Typically, 60-70%+ of players will receive a pre-offer - a guarantee to have a place on a team in the age group (assuming viability of at least one team).  A pre-offer does not specify the level of the team (i.e. A/B or C) - final team placement will be decided by the coaching team and Director after tryouts. There are several reasons why a player would not be offered a pre-offer: Player ability/performance variability is too great, player's commitment to training/games has been less than regular (less than 80% of sessions), player's attitude and application is below expectation and/or another reason agreed between the coach and the Director of coaching.


On occasions, PRFC North valley will offer a player an opportunity to join a team/age group as a ‘Development Player’.  This is a unique offer presented to players we feel would benefit from training with the team twice a week and attending extra training for a 3rd night.  With professional coaching our hope is that the player’s performance and confidence will develop.  A ‘Development Player’ will not play in competitive games and will only need to purchase the training uniform.  If the Coach believes the player has progressed sufficiently to earn a team position, the player’s parents will be offered a chance to join the team’s competitive roster – fees will be prorated for the remainder of the season.  If a parent accepts a Development Player position, the fee is $250 for the Fall season (August-December) and $250 if the player continues in the Spring (January-March).